Kris Rutten


Ghent University


During the ACS Summer Institute 2011, Kris Rutten will co-organize two seminars:
- Is there (still) an ethnographic turn in contemporary arts?
- Cultural Studies and Disability Literacies: A Dramatistic-Narrative Perspective


Kris Rutten studied Comparative Cultural Studies and obtained a PhD in Educational Studies with the dissertation entitled "The rhetorical and narrative turn. Explorations in education". He is currently working as a postdoctoral assistant at the Department of Educational Studies of Ghent University. In current research, he is exploring what it implies to approach education from a rhetorical and cultural studies perspective. Specifically, he focuses on issues of identity and identification. In November and December 2010, Kris Rutten was visiting scholar at the Centre for Culture, Identity and Education of the University of British Columbia (CA). He is also a member of Constant, an interdisciplinary arts-lab and he is co-organizer of the first international Summer Institute of the Association for Cultural Studies.